Arab Nationalism in the Twentieth Century From Triumph to Despair Review

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من إرهاصات الفكر القومي العروبي، الذي بدء على يد صحوة إسلامية عربية بالتحديد ضد المركزية التركية العثمانية التي همشت الدول العربية ومنجزاتها الحضارية وتراجعت بها، مروراً بالثورة العربية الكبرى وكيف استقبلها العرب آنذاك وهل كانت حقاً ثورة معبرة عن فكر قومي عروبي؟ أما أنها ثورة عربية بمفهوم المكان التعريفي للحجازيين؟ ووصولاً إلى بداية ساطع الحصري لمنجزه الفكري الذي يعد إنجيل القومية العربية، ينطلق الكاتب لتأسيس فكرة القومية كمصطلح مستورد من الغرب وله مدرستان أنكلوفرنسية وألمانية، وإلى أيهما يرجع ا من إرهاصات الفكر القومي العروبي، الذي بدء على يد صحوة إسلامية عربية بالتحديد ضد المركزية التركية العثمانية التي همشت الدول العربية ومنجزاتها الحضارية وتراجعت بها، مروراً بالثورة العربية الكبرى وكيف استقبلها العرب آنذاك وهل كانت حقاً ثورة معبرة عن فكر قومي عروبي؟ أما أنها ثورة عربية بمفهوم المكان التعريفي للحجازيين؟ ووصولاً إلى بداية ساطع الحصري لمنجزه الفكري الذي يعد إنجيل القومية العربية، ينطلق الكاتب لتأسيس فكرة القومية كمصطلح مستورد من الغرب وله مدرستان أنكلوفرنسية وألمانية، وإلى أيهما يرجع الفكر القومي العروبي، ثم يبحث الكاتب في بزوغ القومة العربية في الخمسينيات ولماذا كانت على مصر بحكومة طبيعتها المركزية أن تكون منطلقاً قوياً لها وترعاها، ويسرد الكاتب معارك الفكر القومي العروبي في وجه الرجعية والفكر الوطني الدولاني، ولماذا كانت القومية العربية تحمل منذ ميلادها في طياتها زر تفجيرها وتلاشيها، ولماذا تراجع الفكر القومي العروبي في أعقاب نكسة يونيو، ويسرد لنا مثالب ومناقب القومية العربية، مع تحليل ختامي للحال الذي آلت إليه العروبة والوطن العربي، كتاب فكري فارق وهام ...more than
Jan 16, 2021 rated it liked it
To Adeed its either Nassir or its not real Arab nationalism. The book is generally good, near of it deals with UAR, just goes wonky by the time the volume gets to the 70s. the book title is misleading information technology does not comprehend everything. The beginning is not that bad but at the end he gets vague. As well much reliance on Ajami and Lewis, and they did non get it right. Someone needs to change the titles of his books, same misleading title as his volume well-nigh Iraq.
Oct 28, 2008 rated it really liked information technology
Excellent survey of the last hundred years or and so about the growth and decline of Arab nationalism. I learned a hell of a lot from this book that explains many things I've encountered here in Egypt. But at the finish of the solar day I was forced to ask, "What did they Recall was going to happen???" Excellent survey of the last hundred years or and then about the growth and decline of Arab nationalism. I learned a hell of a lot from this book that explains many things I've encountered here in Egypt. But at the end of the day I was forced to enquire, "What did they THINK was going to happen???" ...more
Aatif Rashid
Oct x, 2018 rated it it was amazing
A skilful analysis of 20th century Arab nationalism, mainly focused on Egypt and Nasser, though with plenty on Syria, Iraq, the Ba'ath Party, etc. Information technology's exhaustive without beingness overly detailed, it quotes frequently from primary sources, and most importantly, it's highly analytical and offers compelling arguments about the rise and fall of this 20th century motility.
Anyone remotely familiar with modern Heart Eastern history knows well-nigh the infamous Nasser and the Arab nationalist motility. The movement was enormous, capturing the hearts and minds of Arabs from Morocco to Republic of iraq. Where did this motion get exactly?

Dawisha does a great job at presenting a readable, detailed ideological development of the Arab nationalist movement, from its Pan-Islamist roots of rejecting Western colonialism to its ironic decay into, notwithstanding again, the rising of Islamism in the Arab

Anyone remotely familiar with modern Heart Eastern history knows most the infamous Nasser and the Arab nationalist movement. The movement was enormous, capturing the hearts and minds of Arabs from Morocco to Republic of iraq. Where did this motility go exactly?

Dawisha does a dandy job at presenting a readable, detailed ideological development of the Arab nationalist movement, from its Pan-Islamist roots of rejecting Western colonialism to its ironic decay into, withal again, the rise of Islamism in the Arab world as a solution to the issues Arab nationalism could never gear up.

This volume actually does a keen task in identifying Arab nationalism's (and the Arab identity at that) instrumentalist roots. The thought of a unified, Arab nation and an "Arabized" version of history where the Arab people have ever been unique was very unpopular amongst the masses when the ideas initially began to surface. Information technology was Arab elites, those sent off to the West for educational activity and, therefore, were exposed to cultural nationalistic writings like Herder's, that imported these ideas into the Arab world. No doubt these nationalist messages would naturally clash with the universalistic outlook of Islam. Fifty-fifty Nasser, Dawisha notes, was not entirely sold on the idea of Arab nationalism when he was climbing to power. Whatever appeal it had to the average Arab early on lay in its anti-colonialist attitude, not its orientation towards the Arab identity.

Nonetheless, Arab nationalism exploded throughout the Arab world and became increasingly popular. Then why did it fail? Dawisha does a great chore at presenting the factional debates that plagued (and notwithstanding plague) the Arab world. Why were Ba'athists and Nasserists, ii incredibly similar ideologies, then opposed to each other at times? Why the rivalry between Egypt and Iraq, throughout multiple unlike regimes, when both held the same goals? This volume does a adept job at explaining why the Arab nationalist projection was doomed from the outset. While many inside and outside of the Arab earth expected a looming, unified Arab nation, it ultimately failed. It's odd to think that such a massive, prominent motion from the 1950s-1960s died out so speedily. Barely a ghost remains to this mean solar day. When volition we see the Arab earth every bit united today as they were back then? Perhaps more disturbingly, volition it even make a difference? Or will history repeat and leave the average Arab to suffer in stagnation from their leader'south nothingness?

Jennifer Plummer
This volume, written past someone who has done extensive research on the topic, is very informative without the flair of some of the other nonfiction books I accept read this year and for my class. I probably would never accept called this volume to read had it not been assigned for my Arabs and State of israel class but I have to say I did get a lot out of it. Nevertheless, had I not been taking a form on this topic for the past 13 weeks, I'm not sure I would take a very good understanding of what was happening, esp This book, written past someone who has done extensive research on the topic, is very informative without the flair of some of the other nonfiction books I have read this year and for my class. I probably would never have chosen this book to read had it not been assigned for my Arabs and Israel class but I take to say I did become a lot out of information technology. Notwithstanding, had I not been taking a grade on this topic for the past 13 weeks, I'1000 not sure I would accept a very good agreement of what was happening, especially in dealing with the people who are mentioned and the history of the Arabs every bit a whole to endeavor to build a unified Arab country around. I would recommend this to someone with a fair amount of groundwork in the Middle E and who is interested enough to read through a very fact-presenting book. ...more
Apr 18, 2010 rated information technology really liked information technology
This is really an interesting book. The author has managed to support his thesis about the rise and fall of the arab nationalism appropriately. He is objective and the book is full of useful data.
Jan 04, 2013 rated it liked it
the autumn and rise of Nasr and Baas movements just like non-alignments...
J.M. Hushour
Decent for teaching, has some expert bits on Ba'athism and the clumsiness of the larger project of Arab Nationalism. Decent for teaching, has some good $.25 on Ba'athism and the awkwardness of the larger project of Arab Nationalism. ...more
Ryan Clark
Wesam Hassanein
Jessica R
Kristofer Petersen-Overton

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