Funny Quotes About New York Colonial

Before the formation of the United States of America, the Province of New York was an exclusive colony under the British.

Did you know that the New York Colony is one of the oldest places that was inhabited in America before independence? Originally, the New York Colony was referred to as the 'Province of New York City'. Interesting, isn't it?

The New York Colony (originally called the Province of New York) existed from the year 1664 to 1776. It was situated on the North-eastern side of the coastal plain of continental North America. Primarily, it was a proprietary colony under the British, which later on became a royal colony. The New York Colony was also known as the breadbasket colony because out of the many major crops, wheat was produced the most in the region.

In 1614,  the foundation of the New York colony was laid in the Dutch rule as a Dutch trading outpost for trading purposes. The officers of the Dutch West India company discovered New Amsterdam in New Netherlands. New Amsterdam proves to be a successful settlement in the Southern colonies on the peak of Manhattan island. They then discovered New Amsterdam, eventually becoming New York City.

The Dutch West India company laid down the colonies of New Netherland in 1624 and prominently covered the entire areas of the present New York City and certain parts of New Jersey, Connecticut, and Long Island.

In the 17th century, trade in the New Netherland was managed by the two companies Dutch West India and the Dutch East India company. There are many New York colony facts that you will come across. Read along to find out about the African slaves, like-minded colonies during the cold winters, the fur trade, the highest slave population, fort Oswego, one Jewish synagogue, fort orange, middle colonies, one roman catholic church, the glorious revolution, and more New York colony facts.

After reading these fascinating New York colony facts, also check Afghanistan culture facts and Bangladesh facts.

Interesting Facts About New York Colony

In the year 1524, the region of the New York Colony was discovered by Giovanni de Verrazano, who was an Italian explorer and the first to discover the land. Verrazano sailed by the sides of the coast of New York and also found the bay of New York.

Later, in 1609, Henry Hudson, who was a British explorer, properly explored the area around the current New York City, it was called the New York metropolitan region.

Henry Hudson was an official working as a part of the Dutch East India company. His task was to explore routes to China along the Arctic Circle. While searching for such routes, he accidentally reached the New York area which was not colonized at that time.

The famous Hudson River, flowing along the state of New York has got its name from Henry Hudson as an honor to him.

New Amsterdam was purchased by Peter Minuit and the island was renamed. New Amsterdam became an integral part of the Dutch settlement on grounds of trade and commercial activities. Today, the exact location of present-day New York City is in New Amsterdam. Peter Stuyvesant was the last governor of the colonies. Brigadier General George Clinton was the first governor and new governor of the independent capital city.

Fun Facts About New York Colony

The originally Dutch inhabited region was taken over by England for many political reasons. Therefore, the New York Colony, which was actually a Dutch colony became a British colonized area.

The main reason behind the formation of the New York colony was its geographical location which made it suitable to become an ideal Trade Centre for the British troops and hence the region was beneficial for England and its economy.

If we talk about the resources, then the New York colony had large amounts of coal, iron ores, fur trade, and forestry. The region also accommodated large agricultural lands and hence, was suitable for agriculture. The farmers of the colony produced huge quantities of wheat, primarily,  and various other major crops. The production of wheat in a typical farm made the colony a breadbasket colony. The wheat produced in these regions was converted into flour and then exported to England for sales.

Estimates indicate that almost 40% of Americans has at least one ancestor.

Cool Facts About New York Colony

In reality, the New York Colony was a colony for the Dutch residents known as New Amsterdam, established by Peter Minuit in 1626, on the island, Manhattan.

The Dutch surrendered and gave up the colony to the British in 1664. And then, to honor the Duke of York, it was again named as the New York Colony. New York became an independent state in the year 1788, on July 26. The state then accepted all the rules and grounds of the constitution of the United States of America. Thereby, becoming the 11th member state of the US.

Facts About New York When It Was A Colony

The town of present-day Albany and the New York Colony was a part of New Netherland which was under the domination of the Dutch traders.

Later on, when the English took over, the town of Albany was renamed to honor the Duke of Albany at that time, the future Duke of England  King James ll and of Scotland, James VII.

The available natural resources and raw materials were the prime sources of trade and commercial applications in the New York colony.

Trading was dominant in crops like wheat and corn as well as livestock that included pork and beef.

Over the course of time, the New York colony was nicknamed the 'Empire State' because of the huge trade and commerce empire that was set up in the colony.

On July 9, 1776,  the New York colony was declared independent. Whereas,  the colony adopted the constitution on April 20 of the next year.

Creepy Facts About The New York Colony

The people of the New York Colony were extremely hardworking and preferred to rest in their leisure time. Also, the children of New Netherland were very laborious. Children played games like leapfrog, ninepins that were a form of bowling, and jumping ropes.

Games like cards, dice, and backgammon were even played by the adults.

The New York Colony was the last colony under the influence of British rule that had an assembly.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for facts about New York colony then why not take a look at facts about Mars, or England facts?


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